Jovana Stokić

Foto Jovana Stokić

Jovana Stokić završila je studije istorije umetnosti u Beogradu, a doktorirala je na Institutu za umetnost Njujorskog Univerziteta (IFA, NYU) u Njujorku. Od 2000. godine aktivno se bavi likovnom kritikom, teorijom umetnosti, i studijama performansa, dok njeni kustoski angažmani obuhvataju projekte i izložbe u Americi, Španiji, Italiji, Srbiji, Hrvatskoj… Kustoska aktivnost tokom dve decenije ukljucila je izložbe, performanse, radionice, i eksperimentalne programe, u komercijalnim i neprofitnim prostorima. Jovana je bila istrazivac u kustoskim odeljenjima u Novom muzeju savremene umetnosti u Njujorku,  I Muzeju američke umetnosti Whitney u Njujorku, kustos Galerije centra Kimmel na Univerzitetu u Njujorku i kustos performansa u Location One, Njujork gde je organizovala više od trideset izlozbi, performansa, predavanja, i javnih skupova. Jovana Stokić je u doktorskoj disertaciji The Body Beautiful: Feminine Self-Representations 1970-2007, kroz pojmove samoreprezentacije i lepote, analizirala rad umetnica Marine Abramović, Marthe Rosler i Joan Jonas. Jovana Stokić predaje istoriju umetnosti i kustoske prakse, i član je profesorskog tima na New York University, (Steinhardt School of Art), i na School of Visual Arts (master program MFA Art Practice) u Njujorku. 

Izabrane izlozbe:

“With Passion,” exhibition of performances, Slag Gallery, New York, Senior Thesis and MA exhibitions at School of Visual Arts, New York, Biennial Quadrilateral, international exhibition and series of live performances, Rijeka, Croatia, Columbia School of Arts Xtracurricular series of performative live events, Performance Exhibition, “4×4 Non-Aligned”, Performance Festival at Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels, Belgium, Curator of performance art, Location One, New York (curated more than 30 performative events, workshops, panels, and exhibitions of performance related works, “While Rome is Burning”, Dom Omladine Beograde, video selection of performances,  “Best Regards from the Blind Spot,” the Center Montehermoso, Vitoria, Spain, “Off Center Femininities,” Else Gallery at California State University, Sacramento, Kimmel Center Galleries at New York University, “Open Market: Individual in Global Spectacle” in Ozone Gallery, Belgrade, Curatorial workshop at the 46th Annual Belgrade Salon, Belgrade,“Beauty Matter” in Tina Kim Fine Art Gallery, New York.

Izabrane publikacije (knjige, stručne publikacije, muzejski, umetnički katalozi):

Bloomsbury Companion to Performance Art, Bloomsbury Press, 2020; Critical Feminist Curating, Routledge, 2021; “On Social Relevance of Beauty in Anna Ostoya’s Art,” Anna Ostoya Exhibition Catalogue, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland; 2018.“Natalija Mijatovic: Sneyg.” Nacionalna Galerija, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017; “Out of Left Field”, exhibition catalogue, the Quadrilateral Biennial, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011; “Leaving the Balkans: Entering the Other Side,” in Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present, MoMA, 2010.“Forbidden Games: Marina Abramovic’s 8 Lessons on Emptiness with a Happy End,” Geneve: Galerie Guy Bartschi, 2008; “Project Reset”, Serbian Pavilion catalogue, 52nd Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy, 2007; “Portnoy’s Game: Performances of Michael Portnoy,” C Magazine, no. 138, 2018; “Beuys’s Lesson in Belgrade,” Post at MoMA, Notes on Modern and Contemporary Art Around the Globe, 2014; “The Body Beautiful: Martha Rosler’s Performative Works”, Artcore Journal, vol. 2, issue, 1, 2013; “How to Live Forever in the Context of the Contemporary Museum,” Performance Art Journal (100), 2011; “Performative Photographs of Francesca Woodman,” Woman’s Art Journal, Spring/Summer, 2009; “Un-Doing Monoculture: Feminine Artists from “The Blind Spot of Europe” – Ex-Yugoslavia, ARTmargins, March 2006; “Performative Bodies: Serbian Female Artists in Post-Modernism,” Serbian Studies, Fall 2004; “On Curating with Care, Conversation with Jovana Stokic,” Huffington Post, 2015; Marina Abramovic speaks with Jovana Stokic, Madrid: La Fabrica, 2008.

Članstvo u profesionalnim organizacijama:

AICA (sekcija Srbija), ULUPUDS, Association of Art Historians, London, College Art Association, New York, Contemporary Art Research Collaborative, New York, Independent Curators International, International Federation for Theatre Research, Performance Studies International