Vladimir Jerić Vlidi
Vlidi holds MA in Communicology (Journalism) from the Faculty of Media And Communication, University Singidunum, Belgrade. Founder of Darkwood Dub – music collective (1988-2008), Creative Commons Serbia (Public Lead, 2007-2013), Slobodnakultura (Freeculture, independent self-organized group, 2005-2010), TEDx Belgrade (board member & event moderator, 2010 – present), Druga Scena (The Other Scene – independent artist network, Belgrade, 2008 – present), Prelom Kolektiv (2005-2010). Was a teaching assistant at Faculty of Media And Communication Belgrade (2009-2012), field producer for Swedish National Television (SVT) for the region of Western Balkans (1999-2012), screenplay writer for educational TV series on art and technology (Radio Television Serbia, 2006-2008), web & social media editor for MTV Adria (VIMN) (2009-2015).
A technical director of several critical international exhibitions (2004 – present, eg. Story on Copy, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart 2017, Oktobar XXX: Exposition–Symposium–Performance, 2012/13, Lecture Performance, MOCAB and Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne-Belgrade, 2009/2010, Political Practices of (post-) Yugoslav Art: RETROSPECTIVE 01, Museum 25th of May, Belgrade, 2009; No More Reality: Crowd and Performance, Depo, Istanbul, 2009, No More Reality step 3: Documentation Centre, De Appel Institute for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, 2008, The Case of Students’ Cultural Centre – Belgrade in the 1970s, shown in ŠKUC Ljubljana, Galerija Nova Zagreb, CCA Sarajevo, Salon of Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe, Transit Budapest and Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, 2008-2011, Radiodays, De Appel Institute for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, 2005, Yugoslav Biennial of Young Artists, Vršac, 2004, and more).

Member of AICA Serbia since 2017
Website: networkfailure.net
Academia.edu: someaddresshere.edu
Facebook: facebook.com/vlidi
Twitter: @vlidee
CONTACT: someemail.com
Official Publications:
“Editor’s Note For Red Thread Journal Issue 5″ (with Jelena Vesić), May 2020
“MixTape: B-Sides“, On MixTape by Vesna Pavlović, mixtapeproject.net, published May 2020
“The interruption of the exhibition ‘Exception: Contemporary Art Scene from Prishtina’ – Two eyewitness account – the 2019 version” (with Jelena Vesić) – in Of(f) Our Times: Curatorial Anachronics, Edited by Rike Frank and Beatrice von Bismarck, Sternberg Press, January 2020
“The Bucharest Statement”, video essay, Network Failure / tranzit.org, December 2019, URL
“Notes on Rib, RibRib, RibRibRib: PREDICAMENTS PREDICATES PARADIGMS PEDAGOGY”, Rib Rotterdam, September 2019 (https://www.ribrib.nl/projects/rib-unresolved-issues?slide=1)
“The Production of Space / The production of Raum” in Flugschrift #3: Action spaces—Pedagogical Scores and Artistic Routes, Der Fahrende Raum, edited by Maximiliane Baumgartner and Doris Koopmann, Munich, March 2019.
“The Production of Space / The production of Raum” video essay, Network Failure / Der Fahrende Raum, December 2018, URL
“1984: The Adventures of Alternative” (with Jelena Vesić) in The Long 1980s – Constellations of Art, Politics, and Identities a Collection of Microhistories, edited by Nick Aikens, Teresa Grandas, Nav Haq, Beatriz Herráez, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez, Valiz / L’internationale, Amsterdam, April 2018.
“Dispossession by numbers: 2017/10/70/100” in Red Thread, Issue 4: Dispossessions, Solidarities, De-integrations, edited by Erden Kosova, Zeyno Pekünlü, Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, Jelena Vesić, Banu Karaca, Istanbul-Belgrade-Berlin, December 2017.
“Interview with Rastko Močnik: There is No Theory Without the Practice of Confrontation” (with Jelena Vesić), in Red Thread, Issue 4: Dispossessions, Solidarities, De-integrations, edited by Erden Kosova, Zeyno Pekünlü, Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, Jelena Vesić, Banu Karaca, Istanbul-Belgrade-Berlin, December 2017.
“The Museum as ‘Reflection of the Second Order’: The Art (of) Thinking after the Death of Art” (with Jelena Vesić) in Nyimpa kor ndzidzi / One Man, No Chop: (Re)conceptualisation of the Museum of African Art – the Veda and Dr. Zdravko Pečar Collection, exibition catalogue, edited by Emilia Epštajn & dr Ana Sladojević, The Museum of African Art, Belgrade, July 2017.
“Museum – Art – Education: Ways of Doing, Ways of Seeing, Ways of Thinking” (with Jelena Vesić), in Performing the Museum: The Reader, edited by Aleksandra Sekulić and Dušan Grlja, MOCA Vojvodina, Novi Sad; MOCA, Zagreb; MOCA Koroška, Slovenj Gradec and Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, December 2016.
“On Neutrality” (with Jelena Vesić and Rachel O’Reilly), in Non-aligned modernities, edited by Zoran Erić, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, 2016.
“Under The Sycamore Tree – Curating As Currency: Actions That Say Something, Words That Do Something“ (with Jelena Vesić), in The Future Curatorial, edited by Paul O’Neill and Mick Wilson, Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College, MIT Press, 2015.
“Learning to Forget or The Obsession With Terabytes” (with Jelena Vesić), (exhibition review of Disappearing things, 55. October Salon, curators: Nicolaus Schafhausen, Vanessa Müller, 19. september – 2. november 2014, Belgrade), in Forgetting, Spike No 42, Winter 2014/2015, Berlin: Spike Art Quarterly, 2014.
“Lala’s Reader, written by Lala Raščić: A paradox of writing a monographic text about the artist who speaks” (with Jelena Vesić), in Lala Raščić, Lala’s Reader, (catalogue: Lala Raščić), Ljubljana, New York, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2014.
“Heads On to The Strawberry Bush”, (exhibition review of No One Belongs Here More Than You, 54. October Salon, 11. october – 17. november 2013), Beograd: Cultural Center Belgrade, 2014.
“It’s the Political Economy, Stupid!”, (exhibition review: It’s the Political Economy, Stupid!, curators: Gregory Sholette, Oliver Ressler, CZKD Beograd, september 2008) in Latin Art Review, Los Angeles, 2013.
“Four Acts and a Pair of Socks” in Exception – The case of the exhibition of Young Kosovo Artists in Serbia, Red Thread Journal, Issue 1, Istanbul, 2009
The work undone, Geert Lovink, Richard Barbrook, Piratbyrån, Brian Holmes, Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, (Ed: Vladimir Jerić Vlidi), Beograd: Bureau for Culture and Communication Belgrade, 2009.
“1% For Art” (with Jelena Vesić), in Heapsteaps, (catalogue/art project: Machiel Braaksma), VHDG, Leeuwarden, 2009.
“Who is Boska?“ (with Jelena Vesić), in 5. of December 1978. (exhibition catalogue: Bojan Fajfrić), Beograd: Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, 2009.
“Media in Serbia and the Idea of the Network – Between ‘Internets” and handouts-for-free” in Media Landscape: Serbia in Transition, DeScripto – A Journal of Media in South-East Europe No 3, Vol 4, Vienna:SEEMO, 2008.
“The Art of Rationalisation in the Age of Crisis – Interview with Miloš Rančić” in Media Landscape: Serbia in Transition, DeScripto – A Journal of Media in South-East Europe No 3, Vol 4, Vienna:SEEMO, 2008.
“The Grand Coalition” in SLUM-TV NEWSPAPERS, (catalogue/art project: Sam Hopkins, Alexander Nikolic, Lukas Pusch, Fred Otieno, Julius Karanja), (Ed. Dušica Dražić), Anonymous said, Vienna-Nairobi-Belgrade, 2008.
“Soldarity of Yugoslav peoples – Darinka Pop-Mitić”, (art project review: On Solidarity, Darinka Pop-Mitić), Intercultural dialogues, Cultural Center REX, Belgrade 2008.
“The interruption of the exhibition ‘Exception: Contemporary Art Scene from Prishtina’ – Two eyewitness account” (with Jelena Vesić), LabforCulture, European Cultural Foundation, 2008.
“The Pirates of Malacca (slobodnakultura.org)” in TkH Journal 15: SELF-EDUCATION: GOAT TRACKS OF SELF-EDUCATION, (Ed: Ana Vujanović, Miško Šuvaković et al.), Beograd: The Walking Theory – Center for theory and practice of performative arts, TkH, 2008.
“A Numbers Game: Interview with Richard Falkvinge” and “Criei tive Como: Interview with Ronaldo Lemos”, in re-reader 2006/2007, Beograd: Bureau for Culture and Communication Belgrade, 2007.
“Documenting Performance” in Lexicon for the Provisional Future(s), Centrala Foundation for Future Cities, European Cultural Foundation, 2007.
“Broken Step”, in Danas daily: special issue dedicated to the exhibition BREAKING STEP / U RASKORAKU – displacement, compassion and humour in recent art from Britain, curators: Branislav Dimitrijević, Caroline Douglas, Siniša Mitrović, Jelena Vesić, MOCAB Belgrade: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2007.